The AQUABIOPRO-FIT project consortium hopes that you have had a great start to the new year. In this newsletter, we would like to introduce Anna Kujumdzieva from Biointech, who will be creating educational material to encourage the use of biomasses in the circular economy. Our research partners from University of Valencia, Centro Tecnologico de la Carne de Galicia and Nofima have successfully published three scientific articles in open access journals. Additionally, AQUABIOPRO-FIT had the opportunity to connected to people from science, policy and industry by participating at two European level events.
AQUABIORO-FIT is an EU-funded project that focuses on creating nutritional value from fishery side streams, as well as developing feed from tunicates. As the project progresses, we look forward to sharing more news on our research findings on our website and in our newsletter.
Emerging technologies for the extraction of bioactive compounds from marine side-streams
The fishing sector activities are responsible for generating a big number of side-streams which are often discarded or used as low-value ingredients in animal feed. Nowadays, the increasingly awareness of consumers about health and diet has led to new studies on how to...
Effects of non-thermal processing on protein functionality
Proteins are one of the most important food components since they can have a major impact on nutritional and sensorial properties. Therefore, it is of great interest to investigate the changes that may occur to proteins during processing. Previous research has shown that...
Pulsed Electric Field: A promising alternative for the fish industry
Novel research in food industry, has led to the development of new, milder processing techniques to respond to the market’s demand for products with enhanced nutritional properties. One of the most promising methods is Pulsed Electric Field (PEF), where products are placed...
Interview - Anna Kujumdzieva from Biointech
The Bulgarian project partner, Biointech is a Research and Development Centre focused on transforming knowledge into educational and technological innovations. In this interview professor Anna Kujumdzieva, general manager of Biointech, explains the importance of creating...
In November, AQUABIOPROFIT project participated in the EU collaboration corner during the 33rd EFFoST International Conference held in Rotterdam. The project attracted much interest from the conference delegates, where they had the opportunity to discuss the project with...