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Dr. Francisco J. Barba is named Highly Cited Researcher 2019
Dr. Francisco J. Barba is named Highly Cited Researcher 2019
AQUABIOPRO-FIT would like to congratulate Francisco J. Barba from University of Valencia for his recent achievement as one of the Highly Cited Researchers of 2019 in the field of agricultural sciences.
Highly Cited Researchers is an annual list that selects the most influential specialists from around the world, for their exceptional research performance, measured by the publication of highly cited articles that are in the top 1% in number of citations by field and year in Web of Science Core Collection. The list includes their scientific production during the period 2008-2018 in one or more of the 21 scientific fields used.
The list contained around 6,200 researchers in the year 2019, of which 3,700 researchers investigated specific scientific fields and approximately 2,500 researchers in multidisciplinary fields. This is the second year that researchers with multidisciplinary impact are identified.
More information about the worldwide list of highly cited researchers can be found here.
Dr. Barba is currently working on innovative technologies (high hydrostatic pressures, pulsed electric fields, high voltage electrical discharges, ultrasound, microwave and extraction in supercritical fluids, among others) to obtain new technological processes. In AQUABIPRO-FIT project, he and his team are responsible for the evaluation of non-conventional processing for more effective valorisation of fishery and aquaculture side-streams as well as evaluation of toxicity, bioaccessibility, and bioavailability through in vitro model studies and in vivo studies in rats.
Relative project terms
Clinical tests , Communication , Fish side stream bioactives , Marine nutritional supplement development , Model studies - documentation , Training , Tunicates
Category: Scientific activities