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Avda. Galicia, 4.
Parque Tecnolóxico de Galicia
San Cibrao das Viñas
32900  Ourense
(+34) 988.548.277
“Centro Tecnolóxico da Carne“ (CTC) is a public research centre dependent of “Xunta de Galicia“ Regional Administration which monitors progress in the meat sector in particular, and the agri-food area in general. Its fundamental purpose is to contribute to the technological development of the Spanish companies related to the meat sector, in all areas of activity and all kind of breeds and, in particular, promoting research and development in the meat industry, improving production management techniques, coordinating the proper use of all existing technological resources in Spain, assisting the sector in the process of legislative alignment and providing training for human resources.
CTC has a vocation to serve all sectoral groups that are part of the food chain since its launching in 2005, developing a very significant activity for the meat sector, as reflected in the cooperation agreements and contracts made with a wide range of public and private companies, numerous projects in collaboration with industry agents and the important training offer which is available until today.