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7 Avenue de Fabron, Bloc C1
06200  NIce
The ARDITEC Association aims to promote sustainable development, protect our environmental and cultural heritage, and enhance social responsibility. This is achieved by supporting members and partners to implement programmes that protect the needs of future generations.
ARDITEC is short for Association pour la Recherche et le Développement d’Innovations et de Technologies pour la protection de l’héritage Environnemental, social & Culturel (Association for Research and Development of Innovations and Technologies for the Protection of Environmental, Social and Cultural Heritage). The values of ecology and humanism are central to the ARDITEC Association and is reflected in its research, propositions and missions.
Through its actions, the ARDITEC Association is committed to promoting sustainable development that includes the protection of the limited resources of our planet, our socio-cultural heritage, for all individuals and organizations worldwide. Fully aware of the risks of irreversibility and the essential need for solidarity, ARDITEC proposes ideas and solutions inspired by virtuous models, namely:
  • Assessment of environmental and socio-economic impacts, following the Life Cycle Thinking approach
  • Reduction of the environmental footprint, e.g. circular economy
  • Complementary studies of technical feasibility and application of participatory sciences
  • Voluntary and regulated compensation
  • Workshops, training sessions & partnership agreements to raise awareness
ARDITEC is convinced that the efforts and investments required to secure the transition to an economic development model, respectful of environmental and socio-cultural concerns, will definitively bring long-term sustainable growth, through:
  • The implementation of strategies to stimulate research and innovation within organisations.
  • The mobilisation of partnerships towards the protection of the environment, the investment in the human capital and the reduction of inequalities
  • The reduction of resource and energy consumption, and the reduction and valorisation of waste will improve organisations’ results and constitute powerful levers to mitigate the supply-related risks, comply with regulations and anticipate market trends.